The Jergens 1 Week Challenge

JG-Ultra Healing groupIt’s that time of the year. Winter. Snow. Dry Skin. It never fails. Every winter my skin goes from nice and soft to haggard and dried out. So when I received a sample of Jergens Ultra Healing Extra Dry Skin Moisturizer from Influenster I was super stoked! Maybe I can make it thru this winter without nasty lizard skin.

And that’s where the challenge started. For 1 week I’ve been using my little tube of Jergens and I have to say…I kinda love it! I could tell a difference after 2 days. My skin was softer, looked less blotchy and just felt…healthy.

By the 3rd day I was sold and by the 4th day I decided I can’t live without it. Seriously. If I was stuck on a deserted island and could only bring 1 think with me I would strongly consider taking this lotion over a life raft.

So now that the 1 week challenge is over I’m secretly sad that my lotion is gone and not so patiently waiting for payday when I can afford to buy an actual bottle.

Friday can’t come soon enough!

Moda Voxbox

Winner winner chicken dinner! I was lucky enough to get in on the #ModaVoxbox this month and I’m beyond stoked about it! They have such an eclectic mix of things in this box and I can’t wait to try them all.

Here’s what came in my box of goodies…10743309_10152522476457897_1005353859_n

Rimmel London Scandaleyes Rockin’ Curves Mascara

Rimmel London Moisture Renew Lipstick

Rimmel London Moisture Renew Lip Liner

Puffs SoftPack

Jergens Ultra Healing Extra Dry Skin Moisturizer

resource Natural Spring Water

Hair Food Moisture Hair Mask

Swiss Miss Simply Cocoa

Keep checking back! I’ll be checking out all of my new swag this week so stay tuned!

Braun ThermoScan 5

Influenster is at it again! I received another VoxBox the other day to test out…this one was for the Braun ThermoScan 5 digital ear thermometer.  

I was probably more excited about this VoxBox than I should’ve been. I have an 8 month old daughter, and I put a Braun on my baby registry and never got one *sad face.* I couldn’t bring myself to spend $50 on a thermometer so we’ve stuck w/ jamming 1 under her arm pit. Sorry kid.

I’ve always heard good things about Braun, but if I had known just how amazing their brand is, then I wouldn’t have hesitated for a second about dropping that kind of cash. This is by far the best baby gadget I own. It’s easy to use, works ridiculously fast and is more accurate than other ear thermometers I’ve used with my oldest daughter. 

Getting my baby to sit still longer than 5 seconds is a huge task, so I’m really loving that this only takes a couple seconds to tell me how warm she is. That scored huge bonus points. Add in the accuracy and you have a super combo that any mom will love! If you’re in the market for a new thermometer, the Braun Thermoscan 5 should definitely be at the top of your list.braun

Thanks Influenster for letting me in on this awesome box!


Whiplash Eyelash Curler

I was lucky enough to get in on the Whiplash eyelash curler from Crave Naturals the other da71OcLyJJSWL._SL1500_y. This is by far one of my new favorite beauty companies. I’m obsessed!

I’ve never been big on eyelash curlers before. I always thought they looked like some sort of medieval torture device. And then I saw this. This is definitely not your mom’s curler.

I don’t know what I like more, the pink pads and handles, or the awesome comic book style packaging. Maybe it’s the lifetime warranty…who knows…it’s all pretty awesome.

So I’ve spent the last week trying this out and I have to say that I kinda love it. It doesn’t rip out my eyelashes like I thought it would. It took me a couple days to get enough guts to put it right up against my eyelid, but I’m glad I did. This gave my lashes a fuller look without having to spend a bunch of money on false lashes or expensive mascaras. 

If you’re in the market for a new lash curler then this is definitely what you should be looking at! I don’t know how I went so long without it…it’s definitely become a must have for my morning makeup routine.

The Swag List

I’ve had a lot of people ask me how I get all of this free stuff and I haven’t really had the time to write everyone back, so I figured I would share it here instead 🙂

So here you have it friends, a list of all the freebie review sites I belong to.

1. Influenster. This was the 1st site I joined and probably the most fun. I love the products they send out in their voxboxes and I’ve had pretty good luck with them. Click to join.

2. Swaggable. This site is alright. It’s not my favorite, but they have a ton of products that I’ve never heard of before. I haven’t had anything from them in awhile. They seem like they’re pretty hit or miss. Click to join

3. Pinch Me. I don’t like this site. They post things on Tuesdays and you have to jump right on it out you want to get anything. I tried it once and they were having issues, so I wasn’t able to verify my address. I got crap samples and haven’t been back since. Click to join.

4. Tomoson. I don’t really know what to say about this site. They have some of the most random things I’ve ever seen. Every item has different prerequisites that you have to fulfill before you get approved to review. I’ve only been approved for 1 thinking so far…so the jury is still out on this site. But if you sign then I suggest having an account with Google Analytics…whatever that is. Click to join.

5. Smiley360. I really like this site so far. I signed up for it and within 24 hours I had qualified for my first “mission.” It’s really easy set up and even easier to navigate. Click to join.

6. Bzzagent. I’m still not sure about this site. Honestly…I’m kinda pissed at them. It took about 3 months before I qualified for anything. I filled out all the surveys they had for me, and then I had to sit there while they gave out all these awesome toys that my daughter would’ve loved. What was the first campaign that I got? Dial Acne Control face and body wash. Sample sizes…I didn’t even get full size products. I’m holding out to see what my 2nd campaign is before I really make up my mind about them.  Click to join.

7. Review Gifts. This site is…ummmm…different. They give you a bunch of health and beauty products to choose from and have you sort them into 3 different groups: Must Have, Would Like and Don’t Want. Once they have your products in stock, they will send an email with a coupon code to checkout with on I’ve only received 1 item from them, but I like them so far. These products aren’t cheap. My must haves range anywhere from $49.95-$89.95. This site is by invitation only, so if you would like to sign up then let me know!

8. Crave Bloggers. This. This site is awesome! I have been with them for about a month and received 2 products so far, my Precisio tweezers and a Whiplash eyelash curler (review coming soon!), both of which have lifetime guarantees. This is another site that sends out coupons code for Amazon. Click to join.

I would definitely recommend having an Amazon Prime membership for the companies that have you order off the site…you get free 2 day shipping. There’s a free 30 day trial and after that it’s $99 a year. There are a ton of awesome Prime benefits, but for freebies, the shipping is definitely a must have. A lot of sites will have you pay for shipping if you don’t have a Prime membership. You can click to sign up for the free trial 🙂

I hope this helps! If you have any questions then leave a comment! Happy blogging!

Precisio Tweezers

Hey guys! Sorry I’ve been slacking lately. Between a new job and gearing up to move, life hasn’t left me with a lot of time to review the awesome stuff I’ve been getting! Now it’s time to get back into the swing of things…and what better way to kick it off than with beauty products!

61aiYT-BCyL._SL1500_I got these tweezers from Crave Bloggers. I’d never heard of it before, but a couple of my friends talked me into signing up and I’m so glad I did!

The Precisio tweezers are probably the best I’ve ever had. They’re profession grade and can seriously be used for anything. 

My biggest problem with tweezers is my husband. I don’t know what he uses them for, but he destroys every pair I have. Am I right ladies?! So far these have stood up to the ungodly torture that I’m sure he has inflicted on them, but they still work great for plucking my eyebrows.

My mom used to tell me this story about letting her older sister pluck her brows when she was about 15 and I’ll never forget it…it traumatized me for life! My aunt grabbed a set of tweezers and got down to business. The first hair she pulled came up with a decent size chunk of my mom’s skin! I’ve been scared to pluck ever since. But these little metallic angels are designed to grab your little hairs (or splinters if you have kids) without pinching your skin!

Are you ready for the best part? Brace yourselves…Crave Naturals backs these up with a lifetime guarantee! How awesome is that?? I’m sold!

If you’re interested, then you can get them from Amazon by clicking right here.

Big Changes!

Hey guys! I wanted to get this post in before everyone starts celebrating this weekend.

I got an email from Influenster the other day and I think they have some BIG changes coming up soon! They’re completely relaunching their website and are going to include a spot for bloggers, vloggers and writers to do their thing. What’s the best part? THEY WANT ME TO BE A FEATURED CONTRIBUTOR!!!! Yep…that’s right. They want to use parts of this blog to put on their new and revamped site!

I get to choose what posts they put up there so I’m going to need your help! I need you to like and comment on your favorite posts so that I know which are the best ones to post.

As always, keep checking back for all the lastest Influenster news. I’ll keep you updated the best that I can.

Stay tuned!!

It’s Time For Another Twitter Party!

I’m back! The Influenster world has been pretty slow for me lately…until today. I decided to crash their TLC Voxbox Twitter party to see what clues they’re giving for upcoming Voxboxes and MAYBE I’ll get put in to a voxbox 🙂

So here we go…

Clue #1: Love it so much your heart melts like jelly, but don’t be fooled, this program is hard as nails!


Clue #2: Even if you can’t sing, with this program you’ll always have the perfect tone!


Clue #3: Because bath time should be play time, not a time for tears!


There you have it. Do with it what you will. I didn’t win anything this time. I’m 0-3. But there’s always next time. I’ll keep crashing Twitter parties to keep you guys up to date on all the awesome stuff that Influenster has going on.

Stay tuned!wpid-voxbox-blogimage-popup2.png

Twitter Party and The World Cup


Remember in the last post where I said I was invited to another famous Influenster Twitter party? Did I even mention that??? I don’t remember. Anyways I’m partying it up right now.

What’s the party for? Neutrogena Men Skin Care. Oh did I forget to tell you that LANDON DONOVAN is in on it too? SWOON!



There are some pretty awesome prizes up for grabs too. 3 people will get a Neutrogena Men Prize Pack and 1 lucky tweeter will receive SIGNED GEAR FROM LANDON DONOVAN!!!!

Stay tuned!!!!!!!